We at proPellets Africa are thrilled to announce the launch of our brand-new website! 

What’s New? Our new websites purpose is to document and support sustainable pellet production and pellet use in Africa. We’ve organized the site into various sections to cater to your specific interests and needs.

🔍 Explore Our Sections:

  1. Home: Get to know our mission, explore pellet and green cooking projects on our interactive map, stay updated and register for news and latest insights.
  2. Pellets: What are pellets, how are they produced and what are their great benefits? Get answers here as well as insights for future pellet producer.
  3. Green Cooking: Discover information about what Green Cooking is and why we think that it is a huge opportunity for Africa.
  4. Gasifier Cookstoves: A tool to change the way we cook. Find more information about the cookstoves.
  5. Industrial use: Find out about the specifics of industrial use of pellets.
  6. Equipment: Looking for special pellet equipment? Find equipment suppliers here.
  7. Resources: Webinars, Factsheets and Literature are part of this section.
  8. Marketplace: The right place for used and new equipment around pellets and green cooking.

We invite you to take a tour of the new site and explore all it has to offer. Your feedback is important to us, so please don’t hesitate to let us know what you think.